A show for unbridled political news debate shaped by all viewpoints and voices.
All Voices. One News Show.
Politics Unbridled unites informed opinions and heated debate on unfolding crises and global issues. The only news show delivering an unbiased roundtable where all voices – from world leaders and renowned journalists to at-home callers – can shape the discussion on controversial hot topics.
Multiple Hot Topics. Featured Guests
Each episode consists of three 20-minute segments to cover the top issues pressing global news that week. Each episode, Jasim is joined by two principal guests – experts and leaders in their fields – before opening the discussion to callers from the audience.
When and Where to Watch
The show is presented in both English and Arabic. It will be broadcast twice weekly, LIVE on YouTube, on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11 PM AST.
Political news presented without bias: a place for all voices to debate and shape the global political landscape.
Politics Unbridled is a live YouTube news program designed to create space for all voices in a politically charged world. The show’s core concept is global politics: hearing from all views, political leanings, values, and prejudices.
It sets the stage for a powerful arena where renowned journalists, global leaders, and viewers at home can all contribute their thoughts on the most pressing global issues and crises – no matter which side of the spectrum they arrive to the roundtable from.
With stunning production and appearances from globally recognized guests, renowned media journalist Jasim Al Azzawi sets out to deliver an unbiased news program with objective discussion – eliminating echo chambers for open and thrilling dissection of the events most impacting our world.
Join the debate every Wednesday and Thursday to reclaim the way global news is presented: with Politics Unbridled.